dll files and remove the startup entries as I don't use or need these though this running could also increase RAM usage somewhat, curious why it pages it though and to such an extent too as the page file should be minimal in use at most maybe a few hundred MB commit charge on boot-up if even that other than some kinda broken applications trying to page to it with more than they should. Just speaking from a example but I don't know if that's the problem here and I can't say much for ReLive and the overlay as I rename the.
Non-automated game scans would be a nice update though, if I were to have the game library installed in full either via storage or secondary drive that would be 1100+ profiles destroying startup time and RAM usage of Radeon Settings until the add/remove program listings for these are removed though you only need 10 - 15 profiles before it starts chugging last I tested it's performance some year back.